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Guest post from: Joe Castro

I just moved into a new place and have been struggling to keep up with all my bills.

I thought that my new place was a great deal because it was bigger and cheaper than my old place, but I didn’t take some important things into consideration. My old apartment included cable, internet, and phone in my rent and this one does not. I didn’t factor those things into my decision. I also didn’t realize that my utility bill would be a lot higher than it was at my old place. This apartment has really high ceilings so it has been really hard to keep it cool, or get it warm. I didn’t know that I would be able to afford to get cable, and I was really bummed about my bad decision. The other day I was online searching for good deals for a TV package when I came across They had some really great deals that I could afford and I was so relieved that I would be able to have good TV again. I was starting to go really crazy not having access to all of my favorite shows!

Posted 12:00 AM


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