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The world isn’t safe anymore. Everywhere you look there is danger and chaos beneath the reach of your hands and eyes. Even at the other side of your door you may not know who’s knocking on your door or passing by your lawn.

Most especially for us lesbians, the world is not safe unless we do something to protect ourselves. Oh! Yes indeed! Us! I’m talking about us, LGBTQs. We always talk about equality, fair justice, equal rights and even security nevertheless maybe only a quarter of the world is listening to us.

I feel like I am in danger every time I step out of the house. I always have that eerie feeling that something could go wrong with my house each time I’m at work. I just can’t imagine my own house without a home security system. Thanks to the ADT Security System, I don’t need to worry anymore! Ever since I got the ADT Plus, I could tell that my house is safe and secured anytime and anywhere I go. ADT Plus lets me take complete control of the security of my home all the time even with my physical absence. It is just as simple as a press of a button or a light touch to the screen and presto my home is safe and protected. It was the smartest moment of my life the day that I had ADT Plus installed. I could work, shop, and loiter around the metro without any worries in my mind thinking about my house and home.

If you are a girl like me who wants to stay safe and be protected, try shielding your home first. We don’t have to wait forever to have that fair, equal justice in the security of our own home. Home security like the ADT Plus by ADT could not just save your home because as ADT would say, “It is not just security. It is peace of mind.”

Posted 2:35 PM


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