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You Are Here: Home» » Period Style Home Decor

Period style is old American or European style decor with an emphasis on the classic and vintage.

This can include new homes decorated in traditional styles such as holiday homes, or antique homes already styled with vintage interior decoration. Some types of period style homes include American Colonials, Victorian Style Homes, Post-War Houses and more.

There is a whole community of people who love period style homes who share decor advice and restoration tips, renovations and more. Some of the more classic styles of decor have their sub-communities who seek out high quality furniture and fixtures for their chosen style of home, and there are many publications dedicated to this style of home decor that can be found online.

One such publication that caters mostly to the UK is Period Living magazine and they have a section on their website with design solutions and style inspirations that you should visit if you have this style of home decor. They can also help you if you want to make money from your second home if it is a period style home. Their website is or you can Google the search term "period style homes" for even more.

Posted 10:00 PM


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