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After the winter months subside and we get into warmer weather, we can peel off the pool cover and prepare for re-opening the pool.

You can look forward to removing the plugs and swimming pool liners, re-installing your diving board or other fittings and enjoying warm summer days. If you have winterized your pool properly there should be little need for cleaning or electrical replacements. Once you have re-filled the water and re-balanced the water chemistry, there are new trends in pool toys to look for and poolside accessories to seek.

I know it may be a bit premature to start dreaming about re-opening the pool but summer is my favorite season so please bear with my daydreams of warmer weather. A lot of our family memories are made poolside each summer, and so during the winter it's these memories that keep me warm. If you have a family pool remember to take good care of it and maintain your systems regularly. Your pool can go on for generations and will need your help to do so.

Posted 2:15 AM


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