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You Are Here: Home» Carpet » Carpet Cleaning Tips - Cosmetics

Have you ever wanted to know how to get makeup out of your carpet?

We don't need to know how it got there, but some lesbians have had this problem and asked for some carpet cleaning tips on removing cosmetics from your carpet so here is some advice on removing makeup from your carpet from

Cosmetics can include makeup, mascara, lipsticks, lotions and creams. Mostly they are pigments in dyes, fats, waxes and oils.

-Scrape off excess (using a dull edge tool) and apply a paint oil and grease (POG) remover, blot.
-Apply dry cleaning solvent, blot.
-Apply detergent solution, blot.
-Apply ammonia solution, blot.
-Apply vinegar solution, blot.
-Apply pressure to the spot with a spatula or the back of a tablespoon to work spotting solution deep into spot. DO NOT SCRUB as this may cause nap distortion of the fiber.
-Rinse with water, blot until dry.

You can find more carpet cleaning tips from The Steam Team and if you are looking for a lesbian friendly carpet cleaning service in Austin, be sure to give them a call at 1 (800)880-7785.

Posted 3:33 PM
in Carpet


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